Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teething Remedies for your baby

Teething remedies are really needed for babies to abate the pains of cutting new teeth.My Son is now advancing towards his No. 8 Teeth situation.
Its been like a harrowing experience for both baby and mother.Most nights you may even be unable to sleep because of anxiety and the baby having feverish conditions.
But to remedy the situation we discovered that using a teether,Bonjela and Calpol(Contains Paracetamol)helps to reduce the feverish conditions when they come.
Also some natural ways includes using your clean finger to rub gently on the gums several times in the day,sponging your baby when the temperature is very hot all help to reduce the severity of it all.Babies differ in their teething experiences.
Some may have it severe and others may not.
But if all efforts still fail its better to take them to the paediatrician.
Happy Parenting!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Signs of a growing baby:

Your child displays signs of growth from time to time.Most babies have their own pace anyways.So please don't compare with your neighbors child.

Some Signs of a growing baby includes:

Tries to talk in baby language and mimics all the sounds he hears.On they say one should talk back in good English spoken slowly so the baby can start understanding how words are pronounced.Although most of us love to reply in baby language thats not best practice

Recently these past weeks my baby has been displaying new learned skills at 11 months,we were all watching television when he ran for the remote control and started pressing it to change channels(I guess?)but he was pointing it the wrong way.

Then once I want to leave the house he keeps hollering away for me to come and pick him and go with him(amazing as before now he didn't used to do that)

He also picks the cell phone
and keeps making the hello sound and some babyish gibberish.I just wonder at him.

Baby also pulls all items/objects close to himself to play
this now means lots of soft toys for him
at this point.Watch for sharp edges (like sharp toys,knifes etc)and stumbling blocks for baby and make your home more baby friendly

Baby also tries to mimic every activity so be watchful for what he or she is exposed to.

Baby is now very aware of their environment and try to be clingy to familar people have occassions where you allow your child to socialize and relax with other people in your sphere of contacts.
Happy Parenting!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pursuing your passion as a parent

Its never too late to pursue your passions -it will make your lifetime fulfilling and worthwhile.
Get a notebook and do the following
1.Allow your mind to drift and dream of all the things you have ever wanted to do with your life,places you want to travel to,your overall ambition for your life -leave no stone unturned.
2.Access your Present conditions -How far have you gone now -are you fulfilling your purpose or are you fulfilling someone else's dreams
3.Identify Constraints -What are the things that are hindering you from achieving?
4.Be Creative - Think outside the box for ways to fill out the gaps to become what you see in your dreams.You can take an online class instead of going physically tot the university while maintaining your job,you can rekindle your interest in a hobby that you have always being passionate about,connect with people while attending seminars,shows and ask people specifically for their road maps to successfully fulfilling their dreams -they will be flattered and give you all the support you need.
5.Set Time lines - Fix Dates that are realistic for you to achieve the goals
6.Reward thyself -Reward your self on this journey to pursuing your passion as a parent -e.g on submitting that application for a painting class buy a gift to celebrate the small milestone.
7.Paste your goals plan -where they can be visible for you maybe on your car dash board with a magnet so that each and everyday you can do something towards that direction.
8. Measure and review progress -At each end of the month review and measure your progress so far.if there are issues still holding you back find ways to solve them objectively.

I encourage you today to be all that God has called you to be.It could be ANYTHING but it will impact many lives.
Happy Weekend!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Find Books Online for Free

To Further cultivate your child's reading habits especially this holiday/summer season.Visit the recommended sites listed below for free books online and engage both yourself and them.

1. Websites

You can find just about anything on the Internet, but did you know that you can get entire books online for free? My favorites are the books for children, but there is something out there for everyone. Enjoy!
1. Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is an online collection of more than 25,000 public domain books. Started in 1971 with the Declaration of Independence, Project Gutenberg now offers some titles in audio format as well as a limited selection of videos and music. You won't find the most current hits here, but there are plenty of favorite family classics including Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

2. Lookybook

Lookybook is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to buy a quality children's book, but feels overwhelmed by the options at the bookstore. You can actually read the entire book, illustrations and all. No more buying a book and realizing that the ending isn't exactly the message you wanted for your child. And, although it can't replace the real thing, you can visit this site in a pinch if you find yourself in a place with - gasp! - no books for kids available. If you fall in love with one, you can buy it right then and there.

3. International Children's Digital Library

The International Children's Library aims to capture children's literature from around the world so that displaced families can still access stories from their own culture and language. They also want to expose children everywhere to quality stories from various cultures. The books are available in their entirety, many in more than one language. According to the library statistics, they have more than 2600 books in 48 languages. This is a must-visit site for true multi-cultural stories with beautiful illustrations.

4. Rosetta Project

Children's Books Online aims to create "largest collection of illustrated antique books online" through the Rosetta Project. This is a fun site to browse, but you should remember that some of these books are out of print for a reason. Many of them would be considered sexist, racist or otherwise offensive by today's standards, so I'd suggest a preview before sharing them with younger kids. Still, you'll want to stop by for some precious illustrations and old-fashioned readers and stories. There a books in a variety of languages including Maori, Spanish, Chinese and Farsi.

5. Library of Congress Digital Collection

For something a little different, visit the Library of Congress Digital Collection. This multi-media collection includes interviews, photographs, essays and scans of original books and documents. It's not the easiest site to navigate (online results mingle with those only viewable in person at the Library), but it's worthwhile, especially if you're interested in American history.

6. TumbleBooks
TumbleBooks has a number of eBooks for kids. The books are designed for reading, not just browsing, and the ebook reader is easy for kids to use.

You can add your comments and more list suggestions!!
Happy Parenting.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ways to Reduce Family Expenses

Ways to Reduce Family Expenses

Bring your own lunch. If you buy lunch at work, and you spend N400 (approximately $4)per lunch, bringing your own lunch four days a week (treat yourself on the fifth, if you want) saves you N1600(approximately $16 a week, or about $64 a month.

Bring your own coffee/tea/butter/jam. This will yet cut down on expenses buying these at work, just make sure you have a water dispenser at work or insist they make one

Reduce the no of Drinks at Lunch Time. Cut down on drinking at work, on top of cutting costs for you it will keep you health

Cook an extra dinner on the weekend. buy fruits and stash it in the freezer. You’re your own home made bread and cakes, stews, boiled corn, fried chicken, fired beef, pork chops oranges, bananas, etc — that take practically no extra effort to double up. Later in the week, save the N1,600 you were going to spend on a snacking and pull that extra meal out of the freezer instead.

Cut Down Electricity Bills -stop using the electric plates, disconnect the cable, put off all electricals when not in use light bulbs at home, microwave, toaster, coffee maker, and even the TV

What about bottle feeding? Bottle feeding costs over N100,000 a year(Approximately $840): and that's not including all the sterilising equipment you have to buy and the bottles themselves. Breastfeeding is virtually free.

Should I use cloth nappies or disposables?

Washing reusable nappies at home can save up to N75,000(Approximately $600) for baby number one and more for subsequent children, because you will use the same nappies for both babies. If you do choose to use disposables, then buy the cheapest supermarket own-brand value ones. If you want only to use the premium brands, get them when they're on a Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF) special.

Buy one plastic bib rather than a mountain of cloth ones that you have to wash.
Only use baby wipes when you're out and about, you can use plain water at home.

Should I buy second-hand?

So few parents consider stocking their nursery with second-hand goods that there are some fantastic bargains to be had.

I prefer to buy new. How can I save money?
If you must buy new then shop around and search for bargains

What are the rules of buying on a budget?
• Question every purchase. Is it really essential?

• Ask experienced parents what they found really useful and read our buying guides to help you decide on a purchase.

• Prepare a wish list of nice but non-essential items to give to friends and relatives when they ask you what you would like (as they will).

• Borrow items wherever possible

• Make do. For example, an unused face cloth or cut-down worn towel that would double as a baby sponge

• Buy second-hand

• Plan ahead so you can take advantage of sales

• Buy up large whenever you see Buy One Get One Free or Three for Two offers

• Use your local library

Shop once a week without the children
they always have something to pick thats not on your budget at that time.

Buy in bulk
There's a reason why thrifty people shop at cash-and-carry shops or buy in bulk; the prices really are better. But if you're not careful, you can also spend a lot on items you don't need or that go bad before you can eat them. Here are a few tips:
• Make a list beforehand of things you use a lot of, such as boxes of fruit juice or baby wipes. These are the perfect items to buy in bulk.
• Concentrate on non-perishable items. Toilet paper can be stored in the cupboard under the stairs - fresh chicken breast can't.
• When you get home, repackage perishables into smaller quantities. Big packages of chicken for example, can be divided into daily portions and frozen until you're ready to use them.
• Share with another family. Buy big and then split up the food and the costs with friends or family. You can swap trips to the shops too, and that will save you time.
Put leftovers in the freezer, not the fridge
How many times have you put leftovers into the fridge and left them to languish because you either forget about them or didn't want to eat chicken two days in a row? Instead of throwing out good food that's turned into a science experiment in your fridge, get in the habit of putting leftovers in the freezer. That way you'll know they'll be fresh, whether you want them again tomorrow or in two weeks.

Cook once, eat twice or more

Next time you make some biscuits or cakes, double the batch, then freeze half of it. It's cheaper to buy ingredients in bulk, so you'll save money and time! If you don't have a big freezer to store all your extra food, share a doubled recipe with friends. Run the dish over to their house one night a week, and have them do the same for you one night. An added perk: you can take a night off from cooking.

Hope this helps to save here and there.

You can add more by way of your comments to help us all.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Children need support at school

The school year is almost ending for a new session come September.Our Lives are so hectic that it almost always doesn't capture the moments we get to spend with our children.To support your child in the new school year note the following:

-Celebrate your child's success at school and at home from little things like getting the homework right to passing the test and being selected as a star student

-Look into your child's bag and see their homework and difficult subjects

-Communicate with your child's teacher often.You will learn a lot...a real eye opener for most parents

-Choose to be a positive role model for your children

-Be there at their sporting events

-Be there when they try out new things and either fail or succeed at it

-Let them also know you love them

-Take the time to dream with your children about their future and tell them they can do all things!and accomplish all their desires

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to treat diarrhoea at home

When your child has diarrhoea,he or she loses a lot of body water and salts and this can be dangerous medically.

As soon as diarrhoea starts,replace the lost fluid and salt by giving him/her a salt/sugar solution(also called the Oral Rehydration Therapy-ORT) prepared as follows:

1.Cooking Salt -1 Level Teaspoon
2.Sugar -10 Level Teaspoons or 5 cubes
3.Cool boiled drinking water-2 full soft drink bottles

Slowly give 1 teacupful of the solution to your child after diarrhoea stooling.
Then take your baby to the hospital to see the doctor(paediatrician).

Continue with breast feeding or normal meals .Please don't starve the child.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nigerian Cooking Time for Families

I want us to move to the family kitchen today!
Nigerian cooking to be precise.

Today's Menu:Afang Soup
Origin:Cross River State Nigeria

1.Water Leaves(chopped)
4.Fresh Shrimps
5.Cow Skin also called Kpomo
6.Afang Leaves also called Ukazi leaves(blended)
7.Pepper(Black or Red)
8.Salt to taste
9.Palm Oil
10.Dried Fish
11.Stock Fish
13.Seasoning Cubes e.g Maggi

Quantity:According to no of people you are cooking for

Method to use:

1.Boil Water leaves already chopped separated
2.Boil afang(ukazi)leaves seperately
3.Meat/fish/periwinkles all boiled up
4.Mix all together then add palm oil/salt/pepper/crayfish together.
5.Steam for sometime and serve hot with Semovita/Garri/Akpu/Pounded Yam

Enjoy!!More Recipes from Nigeria will be featured from time to time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Make Books a part of your child's Lifestyle.

Children's mind are like a sponge they like to absorb all that is taking place around them.So how can you occupy their minds through ...BOOKS!!

From birth to 3 years your baby's brain develops rapidly than at any other period in their life.

Children are born with a keen interest in the world and their particular environment.Reading helps keep them alert and stimulates their interest in the written word.And you know literacy which is not just the ability to read words on a page but also being able to understand languages and process ideas is the basis for all academic success in life eventually.

Therefore its best to introduce them to books,let them watch you read,read bed time stories to them,assemble parts of your new electronics following instructions from a printed manual,cook from a recipe book,Read the Road signs out to them while on a trip in the car,buy novels and other books appropriate for their age.Encourage the love affair with books to start early it will really open their mind to a brand new world of possibilities,they escape into that world!Take them to a local library or book fairs or even a nearby book store.

Make reading a family tradition to celebrate.You never know that young one of today will become the next president of their country just by exposing their minds to all the possibilities.

Happy Parenting!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Effective Parenting.

Parenting is an art.You have to balance loads of priorities together to come succeed as an efficient parent especially when your kids are still young.Look into the future...say 15 years from now and see that toddler as a grown teenager.

How do you balance priorities in these days of hectic schedules,targets and may be asking.Well I have several tips to help you led a much more fulfilling life as a parent.Everyday is a project in the life of a parent.Your Mantra should be to do the much you can in your waking hours.So you have to do lots of planning to make sure you succeed each and everyday

Your Plans can flow along these lines:

1)Have a day planner where you list out all activities you should be engaged in every day.
2)Prioritize your activities and rank according to the level of urgency and importance
3)Set time lines on all activities
4)Some of your daily activities can be done in parallel -By Multitasking.Multitasking simply means combining 2 or more activities together to cut down on time spent doing them one by one.
5)Don't over labor on weekends especially for working moms as this that totally wear you out.Plan for some of your shopping within the week.You can use your lunch hour to quickly purchase stuff that you need.
6) Remember to stop and smell the roses.Take vacations with your family once in a while.
Have a fun filled week end!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5 Tips on How to Skyrocket Your Happiness as a New Mom

5 Tips on How to Skyrocket Your Happiness as a New Mom

By : Salena Kulkarni

World over, if you ask a mom if she is happier now that she is a mom then what she was pre-baby and most will say "Yes"! As a new mom, you may have your moments of happiness but perhaps you are finding that more often than not being a new mom is not all the fun you thought it would be.

Sleepless nights, crying baby, can't remember the last time you showered or had a moment to yourself! I know, but take heart in the fact that you are not alone. There is not a mom out there that hasn't felt this way.

With that being said, you want to know how to give the happiness factor an incredible kick in the pants. Here are five tips that will help support your happiness as a new mom:

Tip One:
Acknowledge that things are a little tough, but then remind yourself that this is only a very small window of time that you have while you baby is small.

Everyone agrees in hindsight that the early days, weeks and months fly past. One day they are waking up 10 times a night, and then next thing you know you will be dragging them out of bed because they just want to sleep forever!

Tip Two:
Think about what small gestures you could include in your life that would bring you peace and happiness. Make a list and keep it somewhere handy. Is it that you need ten minutes to yourself, or help around the house, time alone with your spouse, time with your friends, improved self esteem? What ever it is write it down.

Plan to implement something from this list at least once a day. Use this list to keep you focused and give you things to look forward to.

Tip Three:
Accepting things exactly as they are and not as you think they should be is an enormous step towards greater happiness. So regardless of what is happening to you and your baby, you can definitely change your outlook simply by asking yourself the question 'do I accept things as they are, or am I wishing for them to be different?'

Tip Four:
Sleep, sleep is essential to happiness. We all need time to replenish our mind and our bodies, and sleep is just what Mother Nature orders. Just like your new baby needs a certain amount of sleep each day in order to grow, you need a certain amount of sleep to be healthy, sane and happy.

Everyone hears the old saying 'sleep when your baby sleeps', but it is not always that easy. This is especially true if you have other chores and responsibilities to attend to. But I know that no matter how much you have on your plate, life will become overwhelming and unmanageable unless you strike a balance.

So for example, if you know your baby is going to sleep for 2 hours, then at least sleep for the first hour of this and use the second hour to do your chores. Whatever you do, don't leave sleep as the last priority.

Tip Five:
While there are so many tough challenges to face, there is also no doubt that cuddling and watching this beautiful bundle you are caring for is a gift.
Cherish those moments that are perfect, that do make you happy.

I encourage you to get a notebook and write down everything that makes you happy, every moment that has happened in your day as a new mom that brought a smile to your face. Then every time you start to feel unhappy, get out that notebook and look at the things you have written in there.

Your life is filled with happiness, cherish it.

Until next time, I truly wish you fulfillment in your journey of motherhood.
Author Resource:- Start living life as a vibrant, happy, sexy and confident new mom!
Article From Article Directory

Monday, July 7, 2008

Parenting Skill: Knowing What's Right for Your Child

Parenting Skills hmmm..Do they come naturally or do we pick it
up from how we were brought up.

Visit and checkout how you measure up!!

A great article on parenting...Read and leave comments or suggestions that have been proven.

I often see parents and educators struggle to know the right way to handle a challenging situation. They look at me and ask, "What's the right thing to do?"

Every parent and educator knows this question, and we often turn to others or to books to learn the right thing. We think there is a right answer, and we feel compelled to find it so we can do the right thing.

What if I were to tell you there is no right way. The "right way" does not exist. The "right way" is only what's right for that person in that situation and with that child and cannot be applied to everyone.

Most of us were raised to believe there is a right answer to every question. We learned this from our parents and from our teachers. Our goal as children and students was to learn the right answer, which our "experts", our parents and teachers, already knew. We strove to please the important adults in our life.

There was great benefit for us in knowing the right answers. We received smiles from Mom and Dad, better grades, special treats, positive recognition and attention. There was also a price for not getting the right answer: punishment, loss of toys and privileges, being sent to our room, withdrawal of love and positive attention.

As young people, we learned our lessons well and unknowingly came to believe in the Right-Answer Fairy. Belief in the Right-Answer Fairy has left us searching for the right answers from others and searching with our minds and intellect. Too often we ignore the
messages of our heart and our natural inner knowing. We also ignore the messages from our children.

Most people agree on what we want for children-happiness, self-confidence, cooperation, and loving connection with others. What we don't agree on is how to create these qualities in children. Yet it's the "how" that makes all the difference. Two people who agree on what they want to create can disagree dramatically on how to make it happen.

One person believes spanking is the right way to get a child to cooperate. Another believes the answer lies in explaining "why" the child needs to cooperate. Still another believes kindly teaching will get a child to cooperate. Others believe in charts, taking toys away or giving the child a reward when he succeeds.

How you define the "right way" depends on how you perceive children and what they need from us. Parents and educators often believe the answer lies in managing and training a child's behavior. What I've found is when you focus on nurturing a child's emotional and
spiritual wholeness, you empower your child's internal knowing, which guides him to naturally be more cooperative and loving.

Finding the "right way" is a complex answer, which depends on who you are, your child's unique core essence, and everyone's needs and desires in the moment. The "right way" can change from moment to moment. It is not a static answer.

Searching for the "right answer" is like going on a Snipe Hunt or hoping to catch a glimpse of the Right Answer Fairy. It is a pointless search. Instead, focus as neutrally as possible on the situation, and become aware of what is happening emotionally with you and your child.

Author Resource:- Connie Allen, M.A.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baby Led Weaning.

After adjusting his meals to crushed solid foods,I have finally weaned my son after 10 months of breast feeding!He has fully adjusted to it but the withdrawal period was tough on him but we made it.
Its advised to wean babies from 12 months.

Lets talk about baby led weaning which is currently the best approach to make it easier for baby.

Baby Led Weaning(often also referred to as BLW) is a method of gradually weaning a baby from a milk diet onto solid foods. It allows a baby to control his or her solid food intake by self-feeding from the very beginning of the weaning process.

Infants are offered a range of foods to provide a balanced diet from around 6 months. They often begin by picking up and licking the food, before progressing to eating. Babies typically begin self feeding around 6 months, although some will reach for food as early as 5 months and some will wait until 7 or 8. The intention of this process is that it is tailored to suit each particular baby and their personal development. The 6 month guideline provided by the World Health Organisation is based on research indicating the internal digestive system matures over the period 4-6 months. It seems reasonable to posit that the gut matures in tandem with the baby's external faculties to self feed.

Initial self-feeding attempts often result in very little food ingested as the baby explores textures and tastes, but the baby will soon start to swallow and digest what is offered. Breastfeeding is continued in conjunction with weaning and milk is always offered before solids in the first 12 months.


* 1 General information
* 2 Signs of readiness
* 3 Safety
* 4 Basic principles
* 5 Resources
* 6 See also
* 7 References

General information

Baby-led weaning places the emphasis on exploring taste, texture, colour and smell as the baby sets their own pace for the meal, choosing which foods to concentrate on. Instead of the traditional method of spooning puréed food into the baby's mouth, the baby is presented with a plate of varied finger food from which to choose.

Contrary to popular belief there is no research supporting the introduction of solids by purees and in fact babies can become very confused when stage 2 foods are introduced (with lumps) unsure whether to swallow or chew (citation needed).

According to one theory, the baby will choose foods with the nutrients she might be slightly lacking, guided by taste (citation needed). The baby learns most effectively by watching and imitating others, and allowing her to eat the same food at the same time as the rest of the family contributes to a positive weaning experience. At six months babies learn to chew and grasp and this is therefore the ideal time to begin introducing finger food.

Self-feeding supports the child’s motor development on many vital areas, such as their hand-eye coordination and chewing. It encourages the child towards independence and often provides a stress-free alternative for meal times, for both the child and the parents. Some babies refuse to eat solids when offered with a spoon, but happily help themselves to finger food.

As recommended by the World Health Organization and several other health authorities across the world, there is no need to introduce solid food to a baby’s diet until after 6 months, and by then the child’s digestive system and her fine motor skills have developed enough to allow her to self-feed. Baby-led weaning takes advantage of the natural development stages of the child.

[edit] Signs of readiness

It is very important that baby-led weaning is not started before the child shows developmental signs indicating that he/she is ready to cope with solid foods. The baby should be able to sit well unsupported, be eager to participate in mealtime and maybe even trying to grab food and put it in his/her mouth. The child should show signs of developing a pincer grasp, as well as an ability and willingness to chew.


Many parents are used to the idea of giving babies puréed food and to some, giving such a young child finger food might sound dangerous. However, babies weaned using the baby-led method are actually less likely to choke on their food, as they are not capable of moving food from the front of the mouth to the back until they have learnt to chew[citation needed]. In turn, they do not learn to chew until they have learned to grasp objects and place them in their mouth. Therefore the baby's general development keeps pace with her ability to manage food.

If a child gets a piece of food too far back in their mouth, they will often promptly clear it themselves by gagging or coughing the piece out[citation needed]. According to Gill Rapley[citation needed] this seems to be fairly common and not dangerous - it's simply nature's way of preventing any risk of choking.

Food should not be placed in the baby's mouth for him or her. If the baby is unable to pick up and grasp the food, it is believed that the baby will also be unable to cope with chewing and swallowing it. It is also very important that the baby is sitting up straight and well supported during mealtimes and never left unattended while self-feeding.

Basic principles

The basic principles of baby-led weaning are:

* At the start of the process the baby is allowed to reject food, and it may be offered again at a later date.
* The child is allowed to decide how much she wants to eat. No "fill-ups" are to be offered at the end of the meal with a spoon.
* The meals should not be hurried.
* Sips of water are offered with meals.
* Initially, soft fruits and vegetables are given. Harder foods are lightly cooked to make them soft enough to chew on even with bare gums.
* Food given is free of added salt and sugar.
* Food is not cut into bite-sized pieces until the baby has mastered object permanence and the pincer grasp.
* Initially, food is offered in baton-shaped pieces or in natural shapes that have a 'handle' (such as broccoli florets), so that the baby can get a good grip and the food is visible for babies that have not yet mastered object permanence.
* Foods with clear danger, such as peanuts, are not offered.
* Foods can be offered to the baby on a spoon, but the baby is allowed to grab the spoon and the adult helps the baby guide it to the mouth.

culled from