Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pursuing your passion as a parent

Its never too late to pursue your passions -it will make your lifetime fulfilling and worthwhile.
Get a notebook and do the following
1.Allow your mind to drift and dream of all the things you have ever wanted to do with your life,places you want to travel to,your overall ambition for your life -leave no stone unturned.
2.Access your Present conditions -How far have you gone now -are you fulfilling your purpose or are you fulfilling someone else's dreams
3.Identify Constraints -What are the things that are hindering you from achieving?
4.Be Creative - Think outside the box for ways to fill out the gaps to become what you see in your dreams.You can take an online class instead of going physically tot the university while maintaining your job,you can rekindle your interest in a hobby that you have always being passionate about,connect with people while attending seminars,shows and ask people specifically for their road maps to successfully fulfilling their dreams -they will be flattered and give you all the support you need.
5.Set Time lines - Fix Dates that are realistic for you to achieve the goals
6.Reward thyself -Reward your self on this journey to pursuing your passion as a parent -e.g on submitting that application for a painting class buy a gift to celebrate the small milestone.
7.Paste your goals plan -where they can be visible for you maybe on your car dash board with a magnet so that each and everyday you can do something towards that direction.
8. Measure and review progress -At each end of the month review and measure your progress so far.if there are issues still holding you back find ways to solve them objectively.

I encourage you today to be all that God has called you to be.It could be ANYTHING but it will impact many lives.
Happy Weekend!!

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