Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5 Tips on How to Skyrocket Your Happiness as a New Mom

5 Tips on How to Skyrocket Your Happiness as a New Mom

By : Salena Kulkarni

World over, if you ask a mom if she is happier now that she is a mom then what she was pre-baby and most will say "Yes"! As a new mom, you may have your moments of happiness but perhaps you are finding that more often than not being a new mom is not all the fun you thought it would be.

Sleepless nights, crying baby, can't remember the last time you showered or had a moment to yourself! I know, but take heart in the fact that you are not alone. There is not a mom out there that hasn't felt this way.

With that being said, you want to know how to give the happiness factor an incredible kick in the pants. Here are five tips that will help support your happiness as a new mom:

Tip One:
Acknowledge that things are a little tough, but then remind yourself that this is only a very small window of time that you have while you baby is small.

Everyone agrees in hindsight that the early days, weeks and months fly past. One day they are waking up 10 times a night, and then next thing you know you will be dragging them out of bed because they just want to sleep forever!

Tip Two:
Think about what small gestures you could include in your life that would bring you peace and happiness. Make a list and keep it somewhere handy. Is it that you need ten minutes to yourself, or help around the house, time alone with your spouse, time with your friends, improved self esteem? What ever it is write it down.

Plan to implement something from this list at least once a day. Use this list to keep you focused and give you things to look forward to.

Tip Three:
Accepting things exactly as they are and not as you think they should be is an enormous step towards greater happiness. So regardless of what is happening to you and your baby, you can definitely change your outlook simply by asking yourself the question 'do I accept things as they are, or am I wishing for them to be different?'

Tip Four:
Sleep, sleep is essential to happiness. We all need time to replenish our mind and our bodies, and sleep is just what Mother Nature orders. Just like your new baby needs a certain amount of sleep each day in order to grow, you need a certain amount of sleep to be healthy, sane and happy.

Everyone hears the old saying 'sleep when your baby sleeps', but it is not always that easy. This is especially true if you have other chores and responsibilities to attend to. But I know that no matter how much you have on your plate, life will become overwhelming and unmanageable unless you strike a balance.

So for example, if you know your baby is going to sleep for 2 hours, then at least sleep for the first hour of this and use the second hour to do your chores. Whatever you do, don't leave sleep as the last priority.

Tip Five:
While there are so many tough challenges to face, there is also no doubt that cuddling and watching this beautiful bundle you are caring for is a gift.
Cherish those moments that are perfect, that do make you happy.

I encourage you to get a notebook and write down everything that makes you happy, every moment that has happened in your day as a new mom that brought a smile to your face. Then every time you start to feel unhappy, get out that notebook and look at the things you have written in there.

Your life is filled with happiness, cherish it.

Until next time, I truly wish you fulfillment in your journey of motherhood.
Author Resource:- Start living life as a vibrant, happy, sexy and confident new mom!
Article From Article Directory

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