Monday, June 30, 2008

Is your baby always sick?

My Baby Is Sick!

One of the hardest things for a new mom to go through is watching her baby get sick and not being able to do anything to make it go away. Whether it is a simple cold, or something more serious it is very hard to watch your baby feel bad, cough, sneeze or run a fever and be able to do little to make him feel better. It is not easy to look in a face that clearly doesn’t understand WHY he feels so bad and sit idly by. So how do you know when your baby has just a little bug, or it is something more serious and you need to take him to the doctor.

When in doubt it is never wrong to call up your baby’s pediatrician to ask for
advice. Sometimes a simple call may help you feel more relaxed, or the nurse may have a hint to help relieve your baby’s discomfort. In the end it is important to remember that your doctor is not only there for well-checks, but also for sick baby calls.

Little coughs, a hardly heard sneeze, watery eyes and a runny nose can hit your baby as hard as it hits you. There are several different things you can try to do to help relieve your baby’s discomfort. First, ask your doctors what medicines you can give your baby. There are several items on the market made specifically for babies. Make sure you ask your pediatrician first however, and follow dosing instructions precisely. Second, invest in a humidifier. Often changing the air around your baby can help clear his head and chest. Third, make use of the “bulb” you are given in the hospital that they use to suction out your baby’s nose. They are too young at this point to understand how to blow their nose, so the only way to help them clear their sinuses is the bulb. As much as your baby may hate it and cry, it is a great tool for you.

When is your baby’s fever too high? There is no “right” answer to this question. A lot of it depends on your baby’s health since birth. Was he full term or premature? Has he been sick a lot or healthy for the most part? At your baby’s next well-check be sure to ask your pediatrician what degree of temperature he would suggest you call his office about. Some doctors will say 100 degrees, others may say to wait till it is a minimum of 102 degrees or slightly above. It is best to find out the answer to this question before you need it. Also, be sure to ask your pediatrician what medications he thinks is ok for you to give your baby when he spikes a fever.

Occasionally your baby will get an illness that will cause him to be hospitalized for anywhere from a few hours to possibly several days. This is hardest on parents especially if there are IVs and tubes involved. It is best to remember during this time to ask a lot of questions and not to be afraid to ask for a second opinion. In most cases a hospital will allow at least one parent to spend the night at the hospital with your baby. If your baby is breastfed or you co-sleep with him, don’t be afraid to ask the hospital to get you a real hospital bed so that you can curl up next to your baby and help him get the most rest possible. Babies are very intuitive and yours will know when you are upset, scared, sad or happy. Try not to panic in front of your baby. Keeping a calm hospital room will help your baby stay calm and relaxed as well.

Culled from

You may ask How then do I increase my baby's well being:
1. Extended Breastfeeding
2.Plenty of Sleep
3.Plenty of Fresh Air
4.Non Toxic Environment -Don't Spray Insecticides with Baby in the house

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Challenge

I have an issue that is really becoming a bother...Yes the Weight Loss Issue.I went to various boutiques to get new clothes and two months ago i was a size 16 but guess what? am now hovering around size 18 almost all the clothes in my former size don't fit anymore.Like Oprah will say that became my AHA Moment.
Not good my weight loss plan has to begin in the new month of July.
i plan to jog around the neighborhood,do situps for starters,Stick to healthy eating and Journal all that I eat everyday and pray for grace to stick it out.
My ultimate goal is to return to size 14.I was a perfect size 12 before pregnancy happened.
Anybody with more ways to lose wait easily?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Car Seat Awareness!

“We’re only going around the corner…”

“Sure, you can fit in, just sit on her lap…”

“Why don’t you double buckle…”

“Yeah, she can sit in a regular seat since it is such a short ride…”

I know all these lines. I’ve used them all too many times.Especially here in Nigeria we don't really see the need for Car Seats.Hence the need for creating the awareness through this article.

One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats helps keep children safe. But with so many different car safety seats on the market, it’s no wonder many parents find this overwhelming.

The type of seat your child needs depends on several things including age, size, and type of vehicle. To be sure your child is using the most appropriate seat, read on.

For starters, no one seat is the "best" or "safest." The best seat is the one that fits your child's size, is correctly installed, and is used properly every time you drive. Keep the following in mind:

* Don't decide on a car seat by price alone. A higher price does not mean the seat is safer or easier to use. All car safety seats available for sale in the United States must meet government safety standards.
* When you find a seat you like, try it out. Put your child in it and adjust the harnesses and buckles. Make sure it fits properly and securely in your car.
* Keep in mind that pictures or displays of car safety seats may not show them being used the right way.
* Always use a car safety seat. Start with your baby's first ride home from the hospital.
* Never place a child in a rear-facing car safety seat in the front seat of a vehicle that has a passenger air bag.
* All children younger than 13 years are safest in the back seat.
* Be a good role model—always wear your seat belt. This will help your child form a lifelong habit of buckling up.
* Remember that each car safety seat is different. Read and keep the instructions that came with your seat handy, and always follow them.
* Read your car owner's manual for information about installing your car safety seat.

Some facts…

* Motor vehicle crashes are the number one killer of children between the ages of 3 - 14.
* Car crashes kill more children each year then all childhood diseases combined.
* Most fatal crashes occur at speeds less than 40 mph and within 25 miles of home.

Car crashes kill more children each year then all childhood diseases combined. Any item that is not tied down in your car, be it a book, your gym shoes, a sippy cup, soda can, ice scrapper, CD case, tissue box, etc., poses a significant danger. When you are in a crash, everything inside your vehicle that is not restrained is going to move at the speed you were traveling before the crash until something causes it to stop. If that "something" is your head or another part of your body, it can do serious damage. The same goes for unrestrained passengers. An unrestrained passenger can be thrown into a restrained passenger and cause serious or fatal injuries.

...that if you are in an accident you should replace your car seat?

In a crash, a car seat withstands a great deal of force. If you are in an accident and your car is damaged in any way, your seat should be replaced. Why? There may be unseen damage or weakening in the seat. In another crash, the seat may fail causing your child harm. Many times insurance will cover the cost of a new car seat. It is also a good idea to replace any seatbelts that were in use at the time of the crash. Seatbelts are a "one-crash" item. They become stretched and will not offer proper protection in another crash.

If your seat was involved in a crash, it should be destroyed so that it is unusable. Cut the harness straps and use a sledgehammer or an axe to break the shell apart.

...that car seats expire?

Car seats should be replaced every 6 years. Why? Car seats are mainly made of plastic. After being subjected to the elements over time, they will start to weaken. In a crash the seat may fail and leave your child in danger.

...that you should never purchase or use a secondhand seat with an unknown history?

While it may be very tempting to purchase a car seat at a garage sale or off e-bay, it isn't a good idea. If the seat doesn't come from trusted family or friends, you cannot be assured of the seat's history. It could have been in an accident or otherwise mistreated. It is advisable to order a new harness for any used seat (that isn't your own from a previous child) as the harness may have been treated with chemicals or heat, which weakens it.

Treating the harness straps with heat or chemicals can cause the straps to break down and weaken, causing them to break or tear in a crash. If your straps need to be washed, follow the manufacturer's guidelines in the instruction manual. If you have treated the harness straps in a way that isn't advised by the manufacturer, you may want to consider ordering a replacement harness from the manufacturer.

Lastly, this article is just a brief overview of Car Seat Safety, meant to stimulate and rekindle your awareness of how crucial this topic is. There is a wealth of information on the internet to guide you through purchasing and proper use of car seats.

Safe Driving with your children!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time for a Nap.

Nap time is key for your baby's development unfortunately getting baby to sleep is not always as easy as it sounds.

Here are some useful tips for a successful transition to Nap:

1. Put baby down for a nap around the same time every day but beforehand cut back on activity/read a story or listen to soothing music with baby.
2. Nurse/Feed baby if it helps also burp baby afterwards
3. Make sure there is sufficient ventilation and baby is not too hot or cold in their dressing.
Baby is then ready to take a nap!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Child Abuse 3


This is culled from

Very Insightful Article Read on and leave your comments and suggestions.I pray this article will save a lot of children lives and wellbeing.Thanks

Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behavior is, the more unimaginable it seems. But the incidence of parents and other caregivers consciously, even willfully, committing acts that harm the very children they’re supposed to be nurturing is a sad fact of human society that cuts across all lines of ethnicity and class. Whether the abuse is rooted in the perpetrator’s mental illness, substance abuse, or inability to cope, the psychological result for each abused child is often the same: deep emotional scars and a feeling of worthlessness.

In the United States, the federal legislation that sets minimum standards for how states handle child abuse defines child abuse and neglect as “any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.” In 2005, the most recent year for which the U.S. government has figures, 12.1 of every 1,000 American children, almost 900,000 in all, suffered abuse by adults, with parents of victims accounting for almost 80 percent of the abusers. Every day, about four children die in the U.S. because of abuse or neglect, most of them babies or toddlers. And those are just the cases authorities know about: for every incidence of child abuse or neglect that gets reported, it’s estimated that two others go unreported.

There are four primary types of child abuse:

1. physical abuse
2. sexual abuse
3. emotional abuse
4. neglect

While the first two categories get the most attention, perhaps because they involve physical violence, neglect is far and away the most common form of child abuse, accounting for more than 60 percent of all cases of child maltreatment.
Child neglect: types and warning signs

Neglect is a pattern of failing to provide for a child's basic needs, to the extent that the child’s physical and/or psychological well-being are damaged or endangered. In child neglect, the parents or caregivers are simply choosing not to do their job. There are three basic types of neglect.

Physical Neglect

1. Failure to provide adequate food, clothing, or hygiene
2. Reckless disregard for the child’s safety, such as inattention to hazards in the home, drunk driving with kids in the car, leaving a baby unattended
3. Refusal to provide or delay in providing necessary health care for the child
4. Abandoning children without providing for their care or expelling children from the home without arranging for their care

Educational Neglect

1. Failure to enroll a child in school
2. Permitting or causing a child to miss too many days of school
3. Refusal to follow up on obtaining services for a child’s special educational needs

Emotional Neglect

1. Inadequate nurturing or affection
2. Exposure of the child to spousal abuse
3. Permitting a child to drink alcohol or use recreational drugs
4. Failure to intervene when the child demonstrates antisocial behavior
5. Refusal of or delay in providing necessary psychological care

Some signs of child neglect:

* Clothes that are dirty, ill-fitting, ragged, and/or not suitable for the weather
* Unwashed appearance; offensive body odor
* Indicators of hunger: asking for or stealing food, going through trash for food, eating too fast or too much when food is provided for a group
* Apparent lack of supervision: wandering alone, home alone, left in a car
* Colds, fevers, or rashes left untreated; infected cuts; chronic tiredness
* In schoolchildren, frequent absence or lateness; troublesome, disruptive behavior or its opposite, withdrawal
* In babies, failure to thrive; failure to relate to other people or to surroundings

A single occurrence of one of these indicators isn’t necessarily a sign of child neglect, but a pattern of behaviors may demonstrate a lack of care that constitutes abuse.
Physical child abuse: types and warning signs

Physical child abuse is an adult’s physical act of aggression directed at a child that causes injury, even if the adult didn’t intend to injure the child. Such acts of aggression include striking a child with the hand, fist, or foot or with an object; burning the child with a hot object; shaking, pushing, or throwing a child; pinching or biting the child; pulling a child by the hair; cutting off a child’s air. Such acts of physical aggression account for between 15 and 20 percent of documented child abuse cases each year.

Many physically abusive parents and caregivers insist that their actions are simply forms of discipline, ways to make children learn to behave. But there’s a big difference between giving an unmanageable child a swat on the backside and twisting the child’s arm until it breaks. Physically abusive parents have issues of anger, excessive need for control, or immaturity that make them unable or unwilling to see their level of aggression as inappropriate.

Sometimes the very youngest children, even babies not yet born, suffer physical abuse. Because many chemicals pass easily from a pregnant woman’s system to that of a fetus, a mother’s use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy can cause serious neurological and physiological damage to the unborn child, such as the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome; mothers can also pass on drugs or alcohol in breast milk. A woman who drinks or uses drugs when she knows she’s pregnant can be charged with child abuse in many jurisdictions if her baby is born with problems because of the substance use.

Another form of child abuse involving babies is shaken baby syndrome, in which a frustrated caregiver shakes a baby roughly to make the baby stop crying. The baby’s neck muscles can’t support the baby’s head yet, and the brain bounces around inside its skull, suffering damage that often leads to severe neurological problems and even death. While the person shaking the baby may not mean to hurt him, shaking a baby in a way that can cause injury is a form of child abuse.

An odd form of physical child abuse is Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy, in which a parent causes a child to become ill and rushes the chlld to the hospital or convinces doctors that the child is sick. It’s a way for the parent to gain attention and sympathy, and its dangers to the child constitute child abuse.
Is corporal punishment the same as physical abuse?

Corporal punishment, the use of physical force with the intent of inflicting bodily pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control, used to be a very common form of discipline: most of us know it as spanking or paddling. And many of us were spanked as children without damage to body or psyche.

The widespread use of physical punishment, however, doesn’t make it a good idea. Most child-care experts have come to agree that corporal punishment sends the message to children that physical force is an appropriate response to problems or opposition. The level of force used by an angry or frustrated parent can easily get out of hand and lead to injury. Even if it doesn’t, what a child learns from being hit as punishment is less about why conduct is right or wrong than about behaving well — or hiding bad behavior — out of fear of being hit.

Signs of physical child abuse include visible marks of maltreatment, such as cuts, bruises, welts, or well-defined burns, and reluctance to go home. If you ask a child about how he or she got hurt and the child talks vaguely or evasively about falling off a fence or spilling a hot dish, think hard before you accept the child’s story at face value.
Sexual abuse in children: types and warning signs

Sexual abuse, which accounts for about 10 percent of child abuse, is any sexual act between an adult and a child. Such acts include:

* Behavior involving penetration – vaginal or anal intercourse and oral sex
* Fondling – Touching or kissing a child's genitals, making a child fondle an adult's genitals.
* Violations of privacy – Forcing a child to undress, spying on a child in the bathroom or bedroom.
* Exposing children to adult sexuality – Performing sexual acts in front of a child, exposing genitals, telling "dirty" stories, showing pornography to a child.
* Exploitation – Selling a child’s services as a prostitute or a performer in pornography.

The adult who sexually abuses a child or adolescent is usually someone the child knows and is supposed to trust: a relative, childcare provider, family friend, neighbor, teacher, coach, or clergy member. More than 80 percent of sex offenders are people the child or adolescent victims know. It’s important to understand that no matter what the adult says in defense of his or her actions, the child did not invite the sexual activity and the adult’s behavior is wrong. Sexual abuse is never the child's fault.

Children are psychologically unable to handle sexual stimulation. Even toddlers, who haven’t formulated the idea that the sexual abuse is wrong, will develop problems resulting from the overstimulation. Older children who know and care for their abusers know that the sexual behavior is wrong, but they may feel trapped by feelings of loyalty and affection. Abusers warn their victims not to tell, threatening children with violence or ostracism, and the shame associated with the sexual activity makes the child especially reluctant to tell. When sexual abuse occurs within the family, children may worry that other family members won’t believe them and will be angry with them if they tell — as is often the case. The layer of shame that accompanies sexual abuse makes the behavior doubly traumatizing.
Some signs of sexual child abuse

Often children who have suffered sexual abuse show no physical signs, and the abuse goes undetected unless a physician spots evidence of forced sexual activity. However, there are behavioral clues to sexual abuse, including:

* Inappropriate interest in or knowledge of sexual acts
* Seductive behavior
* Reluctance or refusal to undress in front of others
* Extra aggression or, at the other end of the spectrum, extra compliance
* Fear of a particular person or family member

Children who use the Internet are also vulnerable to come-ons by adults online. Among the warning signs of online sexual child abuse are these:

* Your child spends large amounts of time online, especially at night.
* You find pornography on your child's computer.
* Your child receives phone calls from people you don't know, or makes calls, sometimes long distance, to numbers you don't recognize.
* Your child receives mail, gifts, or packages from someone you don't know.
* Your child turns the computer monitor off or quickly changes the screen on the monitor when you come into the room.
* Your child becomes withdrawn from the family.
* Your child is using an online account belonging to someone else.

Emotional child abuse: types and warning signs

Emotional child abuse involves behavior that interferes with a child’s mental health or social development: one website calls it “the systematic tearing down of another human being.” Such abuse can range from verbal insults to acts of terror, and it’s almost always a factor in the other three categories of abuse. While emotional abuse by itself doesn’t involve the infliction of physical pain or inappropriate physical contact, it can have more long-lasting negative psychological effects than either physical abuse or sexual abuse.

Examples of emotional child abuse include:

Verbal abuse

* Belittling or shaming the child: name-calling, making negative comparisons to others, telling the child he or she is “no good," "worthless," "a mistake."
* Habitual blaming: telling the child that everything is his or her fault.

Withholding affection

* Ignoring or disregarding the child
* Lack of affection and warmth: Failure to hug, praise, express love for the child

Extreme punishment

These are actions that are meant to isolate and terrorize a child, such as tying the child to a fixture or piece of furniture or locking a child in a closet or dark room.


This involves causing a child to witness or participate in inappropriate behavior, such as criminal activities, drug or alcohol abuse, or acts of violence.

Emotional abuse can come not only from adults but from other children: siblings, neighborhood or schoolyard bullies, peers in schools that permit a culture of social ostracism (the “mean girl” syndrome). The signs of emotional child abuse include apathy, depression, and hostility. If it happens at school, the child may be reluctant to go to school and develop or fake a physical complaint.
Causes of child abuse

Why would someone abuse a defenseless child? What kind of person abuses a child? Not all child abuse is deliberate or intended. Several factors in a person's life may combine to cause them to abuse a child:

* Stress, including the stress of caring for children, or the stress of caring for a child with a disability, special needs, or difficult behaviors
* Lack of nurturing qualities necessary for child care
* Immaturity: a disproportionate number of parents who abuse their children are teenagers
* Difficulty controlling anger
* Personal history of being abused
* Isolation from the family or community
* Physical or mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety
* Alcohol or drug abuse
* Personal problems such as marital conflict, unemployment, or financial difficulties.

No one has been able to predict which of these factors will cause someone to abuse a child. A significant factor is that abuse tends to be intergenerational – those who were abused as children are more likely to repeat the act when they become parents or caretakers.

In addition, many forms of child abuse arise from ignorance. Sometimes a cultural tradition leads to abuse. Such beliefs include:

* Children are property.
* Parents (especially fathers) have the right to control their children in any way they wish.
* Children need to be toughened up to face the hardships of life.
* Girls need to be genitally mutilated to assure virginity and later marriage.

Effects of child abuse

Child abuse can produce dire consequences during the victim’s childhood and adulthood. Some effects of child abuse are obvious: a child is malnourished or has a cast on her arm; a nine-year-old develops a sexually transmitted disease. But some physiological effects of child abuse, such as cognitive difficulties or lingering health problems, may not show up for some time or be clearly attributable to abuse. Other effects of child abuse are invisible or go off like time bombs later in life.
Emotional Effects of Child Abuse

Just as all types of child abuse have an emotional component, all affect the emotions of the victims. These effects include

* Low self-esteem
* Depression and anxiety
* Aggressive behavior/anger issues
* Relationship difficulties

* Alienation and withdrawal
* Personality disorders
* Clinginess, neediness
* Flashbacks and nightmares

Many adults who were abused as children find it difficult to trust other people, endure physical closeness, and establish intimate relationships.
Behavioral Effects of Child Abuse

Child abuse can play itself out not only in how its victims feel but in what they do years later. Children who suffer abuse have much greater chances of being arrested later as juveniles and as adults. Significant percentages of inmates in U.S. prisons were abused as children. One of every three abused or neglected children will grow up to become an abusive parent.

Other behavioral effects include

* Problems in school and work
* Prostitution
* Teen pregnancy
* Suicide attempts

* Criminal or antisocial behavior
* Alcohol and drug abuse
* Eating disorders
* Spousal abuse

Getting help for an abused child

Although many people are reluctant to get involved in other families’ lives, when it comes to child abuse, you don’t have the option of keeping mum. If you know of a child being abused or even suspect abuse, you have the responsibility to report it.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Child Abuse 2

In Nigeria there are several types of begging imbibed in the societal the case of the Alamajeris.Very Popular in the Northern Parts of Nigeria.These children from age 3 and above don't go to school all their parents do is to push them to the streets to cater for themselves.They send them off begging with plastic bowls for food,money,clothing etc.
One of my friends recounted his experience with them on a visit to the northern part of Nigeria having come from the eastern part of the country.
He entered a restaurant and ordered for a meal.When they brought the meal the waitress didn't accompany it with water.As he was famished he quickly walked tot he counter to request for water.
At the speed of lightning the Alamajeris about 10 of them surrounded his meal and devoured it.A bit of a culture shock I must say.
These Alamajeris end up becoming violent adults because of the poor upbringing.

On our streets in the major cities another profile for child abuse are the disabled people in soociety.They send out their young children on the streets to beg on their behalf.This is so unbecoming.we must put an end to this madness.
Mad People are also left on the streets and must of them are impregnated by members of the society.When they give birth to their children they are also left out in the open with no care in sight.

We must find creative ways to reduce this inhumanity to the young children of our generation.
Suggestions and Comments are welcome.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Stop Child Abuse!

Child Abuse is so rampant in our societies these days!
It really shouldn't hurt to be a child!Treat your children well.

In Nigeria for instance we have what you can call House Helps(Some are as young as 6years Old)

For a discerning adult that has such a small aged child as a house help do all you can to be humane in your dealing with the child.Please don't over labor the child beyond what they can do.Treat that child like your own,feed and dress them properly,take to outings and your religious functions.

Even though they seem disadvantaged at that age make them to realize they can be all that their maker has destined them to be.You really can be that channel of hope for the house help.They will never forget you in future!

Mother Theresa used to say that if we can't affect the whole world.We can touch one person at a time.This can help cause a revolution in the world today(As simple as it looks).

In our own little corners in the world we can stop this wrong act by
doing the following -
1)Report to Non Governmental Organizations (NGO)any cases you witness at any time
2)Report to Social Security/Community Police in your country
3)Be the change you want to see treat that child right

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Be Watchful over your child/baby.

Yeah we can't see everything all the time.But some watchfulness does these days of PEDOPHILES on the prowl......
To achieve Effectiveness in protecting your child.

There are 4 Things to watch out for:

1)Keep your child in Prayers.
2)Watch how every adult behaves around your child...but don't be so paranoid.
3)Know where your child is at all times.
4)Instruct your child on how to behave with strangers.

I will appreciate comments on how you can watch over your child without CCTV'S(I mean).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Participate in your Child's School Functions

School Age children don't get to spend much time with parents.
In this days of super busyness.Parents ought to take out time and attend your child's school functions like the "Parents Teachers Meetings" or the "Open Day".
It helps you connect on another level with your child and now how fast he/she is progressing,behaviours that need to be corrected and ones that need to be encouraged etc.
You can also find out from the teacher some latent characteristics that the child has.
Keep up the good work on the Fine Art of Parenting!!!
Share your Parent Teacher Day Stories with us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Old African Traditions -Tying Baby Behind your Back

Hello all!Hope you are having a pleasant time parenting?
Has my blog has been informative so far.I pledge to continue doing this for the sakes of all persons new at parenting.You know back in the 60's -80s Young parents had more support from their immediate and extended families than is available now.
You can even suggest what you want me to research on and I will provide the answers you will need.
Back in Africa one of our old traditions is Tying Baby Behind your Back
To achieve this use a 11/2yard of wrapper made of ankara and then use your convenient hand to swing baby behind your back then tie the chest area by folding in the material and tie the leg area by folding and making a knot to secure baby firmly
This will allow you carry out your house chores without the distracting time spent with baby in tow.

Tricks to use:
Make sure baby is comfortable and not suffocating.
make sure you are comfortable(back pain suffers please don't try this at all)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Time Pregnancies

Hello all!!
Its a brand new month.
I will be sending out diverse topics even first time pregnancy as I get so many to be asked so many questions by those experiencing these for the first time
First Time Pregnancies are really a roller coaster ride.But one of the attitudes that can help is to stay proactive-always read and ask your doctor questions when confused or experiencing a new symptom..