Hi Folks,
My nanny will be leaving this Easter break and right now am creche hunting....
Creche 1
I went to one behind my office for proximity sake but the creche was highly populated and the attendant were few so you can't even guaranty they will give maximum attention to your child.
Creche 2
I went for a wedding reception and met my former colleague we got talking and she told me several stories of creches drugging little ones to sleep so that they can rest from the tantrums of little thots...I thought hmmm.revealing.I now asked if she knew of any good ones and she gave me directions to one close to my husband's office.
We visited the creche together and found out it was more organized and owned by a well euducated woman with young children herself.Other selling points were
*More Attendants
*Demarcated and well spaced Classrooms for children of various age groups
*Refrigerators/Microwave etc
*An amiable environment
*More Toys for the young ones
We both agreed to keep our child there.
Any Creche Hunting Comments are welcome!
Felicity's Breakfast Scones
3 years ago