Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank God its Friday!!

Fridays for me is a time to DETOX!
To make the weekend less stressful I always plan the shopping list,activities(in agreement with my hubby)etc
Its a good day generally to just take it in your stride.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Baby is so Friendly

Babies teach us a lot everyday!
My Baby is so friendly...wish the world was like that.
He gets to smile at anyone he chooses and guess what they all respond in Kind.
Wish the world will go back to having this lost/extinct trait of loving others.
Guess the world will be such a cool place.What do you think?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Coping with the stress of being a new parent

My typical day is one full of activities from 5am(that is if baby was able to sleep through the nite which is quite rare)to 11pm every day excluding saturday.

Its juggling one activity after the other/Multitasking all the time and that is stress combined with work.

How does one cope with the stress of being a full time worker and a first time parent(tha needs to keep hre sanity intact)
Comments/Suggestions needed.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still stuck with my Big Belly

Waoh its been a very busy time at work.But here I am again.Sorry for the break in transmission.
My major problem now is getting the excess fat around my stomach areas to come down so that I can fit properly into my clothes.
Can you believe I blew up from a size 12 to 16.I went to a boutique recently and told them vehemently that I was a size 14.And when I went to try the clothes it was not just zipping at all.I saw a look of I told you so on the salesgirl's face....

Then recently my boss told me to my face that my son will soon be jealous thinking that their is competition going on .
That was my AHA moment
I knew it was high time to get into action-I bought a skipping rope,and tummy trimmer to aid my move down the size line...Lets see how it goes.
Comments on nutrition and exercise to help are most wanted.Thanks